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    Our Office(s)


    Main Office

    Location for consultations and most of our surgeries.

    Chicago Oculofacial Plastic Surgery

    Phone: (312) 888 5754

    Fax: (833) 989 2458

    2001 N Halsted St (Ste 200), Chicago, IL 60614

    Satellite Office

    Location for consultations and post op visits on Thursdays only.

    Perspective Eyes

    Phone: (312) 888 5754

    Fax: (833) 989 2458

    548 Chestnut St, Winnetka, IL 60093

    Secondary Operating Theaters

    For major surgeries that require monitored or general anesthesia:

    Northwestern Medicine Lavin Family Pavilion

    259 E Erie St, Chicago, IL 60611

    900 North Michigan Surgical Center

    60 E Delaware Pl (15th Floor), Chicago, IL 60611