Brow Lift and Mid-Face Lift

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Chicago, IL

Brow Lift and Mid-Face Lift Chicago

Chicago Oculofacial Plastic Surgery offers expertise in Brow Lift and Mid-Face Lift surgery to help patients address sagging and drooping soft tissues around the eyes and cheeks. Our board-certified Oculofacial Plastic Surgeons are super subspecialists in complex reconstructive surgery of the eyelids and face.

Before and After Photos

Are you bothered by the sagging and drooping soft tissues around your eyes and cheeks? Chicago Oculofacial Plastic Surgery offers expertise in Brow Lift and Mid-Face Lift surgery to help address these concerns. These procedures are often done in combination with eyelid surgery for a comprehensive rejuvenation of the eyes and face.

As we age, the soft tissues around our eyes and cheeks tend to sag and droop due to gravity and a weakening of connective tissues in the face. Sometimes these conditions are hereditary, while other times they are simply a result of aging. Brow ptosis or mid-face ptosis may not be noticeable to patients directly, but they often complain of “tired eyes” and learn on consultation that part of the issue is related to a change in the position of nearby tissues. Eyebrow lift, forehead lift, and mid-face lift surgeries may be performed for patients who previously had blepharoplasty surgery and now notice bothersome signs of aging that extend beyond their eyelids.

Board-Certified Oculofacial Plastic Surgeons are super subspecialists in complex reconstructive surgery of the eyelids and face and are best suited for to perform your brow lift and mid-face lift safely and with the highest quality outcomes. Dr. Phelps is an expert on these types of surgeries and can guide you on the best treatment options for you. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can help you achieve a more youthful and refreshed appearance.


What is an eyebrow lift?

An eyebrow lift, also known as a forehead lift, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that lifts the eyebrows and smooths the forehead to create a more youthful and refreshed appearance. The procedure can help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, frown lines, and other signs of aging in the forehead and brow area.

There are several techniques that can be used to perform an eyebrow lift, including:

Endoscopic brow lift: This minimally invasive procedure involves making small incisions in the scalp and using a small camera to lift the eyebrows and smooth the forehead.
Coronal brow lift: This traditional brow lift technique involves making a long incision across the scalp and lifting the skin to lift the eyebrows and smooth the forehead.
Coronal brow lift: This traditional brow lift technique involves making a long incision across the scalp and lifting the skin to lift the eyebrows and smooth the forehead.
Direct brow lift: This technique involves making an incision directly above the eyebrows and lifting the skin to lift the eyebrows and smooth the forehead.
Browpexy: This technique can be easily combined with a blepharoplasty to achieve stabilization and a modest lift to the lateral eyebrow.

The choice of technique will depend on the patient’s individual needs and the surgeon’s preferences.

An eyebrow lift can be performed as a standalone procedure or in combination with other cosmetic surgery procedures, such as a facelift or eyelid surgery. Like any surgery, an eyebrow lift carries some risks, including infection, bleeding, and scarring. It is important to discuss the risks and benefits of the procedure with a qualified surgeon before deciding if an eyebrow lift is right for you.

Am I a good candidatee for an eyebrow lift?

Determining if you are a good candidate for a brow lift depends on several factors, including your overall health, skin elasticity, and the extent of sagging or drooping of the brow area. Generally, good candidates for a brow lift include:

People with sagging or drooping brows that make them look tired, angry or sad.
People who have deep forehead wrinkles or furrows between their eyebrows.
Individuals who are in good overall health and do not have any medical conditions that could interfere with the healing process.
People who have realistic expectations of the results and understand that the procedure can only address certain cosmetic issues.
Non-smokers or those willing to stop smoking for a period before and after surgery to minimize the risk of complications.
Individuals with good skin elasticity, which can help achieve optimal results.

It is important to have a consultation with a qualified oculofacial plastic surgeon to determine if a brow lift is the right procedure for you. The surgeon will evaluate your facial features, skin elasticity, and overall health to determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure. The surgeon can also discuss the risks and benefits of the procedure, as well as alternative treatment options, to help you make an informed decision about your care.

What are the risks and complications associated with a brow lift?

Like any surgical procedure, a brow lift has potential risks and complications. While most brow lift procedures are safe and effective, complications may occur in some cases. Here are some of the possible risks and complications associated with brow lift surgery:

Infection: Infection is a risk associated with any surgical procedure. The surgeon will prescribe antibiotics and provide instructions for proper care of the incision sites to minimize this risk.
Hematoma: Hematoma is a rare complication that occurs when blood collects under the skin. The surgeon may need to drain the hematoma to prevent infection or other complications.
Numbness or nerve damage: Brow lift surgery can cause temporary or permanent numbness in the forehead or scalp area. In rare cases, the procedure can damage facial nerves, causing weakness or paralysis.
Scarring: While incisions made during a brow lift are small and usually hidden in the hairline, some scarring may occur. Most scars will fade over time.
Hair loss: Brow lift surgery can cause temporary or permanent hair loss in the incision area. This risk is minimized by using proper surgical techniques and placing incisions in areas that are less likely to cause hair loss.
Discomfort or pain: Discomfort and pain are common after brow lift surgery, but can usually be managed with pain medication.
Complications with anesthesia: Brow lift surgery requires anesthesia, which can carry risks such as allergic reactions, breathing difficulties, or reactions to medication.
Unsatisfactory results: In some cases, the results of a brow lift may not meet the patient’s expectations. The surgeon can discuss realistic expectations and potential outcomes during the consultation.

It is important to discuss any concerns about risks or complications with your surgeon prior to the procedure, and to follow all post-operative instructions provided by the surgeon to minimize the risk of complications.

What is recovery like after brow lift?

The recovery period after a brow lift varies depending on the individual and the extent of the surgery. In general, most patients can expect to experience some swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the days following the procedure. Here are some typical recovery milestones after a brow lift:

Immediately following surgery: The patient’s forehead will be wrapped in a compression bandage to help reduce swelling and support the healing process.
First week: Patients should expect to experience some swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the days following surgery. The surgeon may prescribe pain medication to manage any discomfort.
First two weeks: Patients should avoid strenuous activities or lifting heavy objects during this time. The surgeon may also recommend sleeping with the head elevated to reduce swelling.
Two to four weeks: Patients may return to work and resume light activities, but should avoid any activities that may increase blood pressure or cause excessive sweating.
Four to six weeks: Patients may resume moderate activities, such as jogging or yoga, but should still avoid activities that put strain on the forehead.
Six weeks or more: Patients should have fully recovered from the procedure and be able to resume all normal activities.

During the recovery period, patients should follow all post-operative instructions provided by the surgeon. This may include avoiding certain medications, not smoking, and properly caring for the incision site. It is important to attend all follow-up appointments with the surgeon to monitor the healing process and ensure that there are no complications.

Will I have scarring after a brow lift?

Scarring is a potential outcome of any surgical procedure, including a brow lift. However, the scarring associated with a brow lift is usually minimal and well-hidden. The surgeon will make incisions in inconspicuous areas, such as along the hairline or within the natural creases of the forehead, to minimize scarring.

In some cases, a surgeon may use endoscopic brow lift techniques, which involve making small incisions and using a tiny camera to guide the surgical instruments. This method typically results in even less visible scarring.

It is important to follow all post-operative care instructions provided by the surgeon to promote optimal healing and minimize scarring. This may include avoiding excessive sun exposure, not smoking, and properly caring for the incision site.

Most patients find that any scarring resulting from a brow lift is not noticeable and fades over time.

How long will the results of a brow lift last?

The results of a brow lift can last several years, but the longevity of the results varies from person to person. Factors that can affect the duration of the results include the patient’s age, skin type, and lifestyle habits such as sun exposure and smoking.

Over time, the natural aging process and gravity can cause the skin and soft tissues of the forehead to sag, which may eventually lead to a less youthful appearance. However, the results of a brow lift can be prolonged with proper skin care and sun protection.

It is important to note that while a brow lift can provide long-lasting results, it does not stop the natural aging process. To maintain the results of the procedure, patients may consider regular skin care, healthy lifestyle habits, and potentially additional cosmetic procedures in the future.

How much does a brow lift cost?

The cost of a brow lift can vary widely depending on several factors, including the surgeon’s experience and expertise, the type of brow lift performed, the geographic location, and any associated fees such as anesthesia and facility charges.

On average, the cost of a brow lift in the United States can range from $4,500 to $10,000 or more. The cost may be higher if additional procedures are performed in conjunction with the brow or mid-face lift, such as eyelid surgery.

It is important to note that health insurance typically does not cover the cost of elective cosmetic procedures such as a brow or mid-face lift. It is recommended to consult with a board-certified oculofacial plastic surgeon to determine the specific cost for a brow lift procedure.

How can I prepare for a brow lift, and what should I expect during the procedure?

To prepare for a brow lift, it is important to follow any pre-operative instructions provided by the surgeon. This may include avoiding certain medications or supplements that can increase the risk of bleeding, quitting smoking if applicable, and arranging for someone to drive you home after the procedure.

During the procedure, the surgeon will make incisions in inconspicuous areas, such as along the hairline or within the natural creases of the forehead. Depending on the type of brow lift performed, the surgeon may use an endoscope, a thin tube with a camera attached, to guide the surgery and minimize the size of the incisions.

Once the incisions are made, the surgeon will lift and reposition the soft tissues of the forehead and brow area, smoothing out wrinkles and lifting sagging skin. The muscles and tissues will be secured in their new position with sutures, and the incisions will be closed with stitches or surgical staples.

The procedure typically takes 1-2 hours to complete, and patients are typically given local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia to ensure comfort during the procedure.

After the procedure, patients may experience some swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which can be managed with pain medications prescribed by the surgeon. It is important to follow all post-operative care instructions provided by the surgeon, including avoiding strenuous activities, not smoking, and keeping the head elevated to reduce swelling.

What is a mid-face (cheek) lift?

Get a natural-looking, youthful appearance with a mid-face lift procedure from Chicago Oculofacial Plastic Surgery. As we age, our cheeks can sag, causing a prominent tear trough and making us look tired and older than we feel. If you’ve noticed significant cheek ptosis or descent, a mid-face lift may be the best option to achieve the cosmetic outcome you desire. In combination with lower eyelid bag surgery, this procedure can significantly improve the appearance of the lower eyelid area. Trust our board-certified Oculofacial Plastic Surgeons to guide you through the process and provide exceptional results. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about mid-face lift cost and treatment options.

Can brow lift and mid-face be combined with other procedures?

If you’re considering a brow lift or mid-face lift, you may be wondering if these procedures can be combined with others for even greater cosmetic improvement. At Chicago Oculofacial Plastic Surgery, we commonly perform brow lift and mid-face lift in conjunction with other facial cosmetic surgeries, such as blepharoplasty, ptosis surgery, laser resurfacing, eyelid tightening, fat grafting, face lift, and neck lift. Our board-certified Oculofacial Plastic Surgeons will work with you to determine the best approach for achieving your desired outcome. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about the many options available for facial rejuvenation.

Where can I find more information about eyebrow lift and mid-face lift?

For personalized information on surgery that is specific to your needs, we recommend scheduling a consultation with a qualified physician who specializes in the procedures you are interested in. While the internet can be a great source of information, it is important to note that what you find online may not apply to your unique situation and can be misleading. For reliable and trustworthy information on surgery, we suggest visiting our website or the Oculofacial Society website at